The Inner Archetype

It was in June 2018 – and I want to share some personal reflections.

We had invited Sandy to run her infamous ‘SOAL’ programme to mark our first event at The Mill.  Sources of Authentic Leadership (SOAL) provided a comprehensive introduction to Sandy’s Leadership Model, Centaur. However, it was an unexpected delight to do some work on emerging archetypes.

It had been with some trepidation but mostly excitement that we invited Sandy to The Mill for our inaugural event. Having worked with Sandy for over 30 years I was pretty confident that she couldn’t fail to energise and inspire our group because that is what she does!


In its youth ‘Centaur’ was definitely on the whacky end of leadership development practice. The whole area of reading the body to gain an insight into somebody’s psychology was the stuff of Cosmopolitan rather than a serious academic based approach. However Sandy’s work is grounded in a vast body of research and is now further validated through relatively recent developments from neuro science.  Centaur is now firmly on the map as providing a useful framework for our personal development as leaders. However it’s Sandy’s application of the model in providing insight into managing politics where I think it has a particularly important message for anyone working in teams and organisations (Ha - that’s all of us).

The heart of the model seems to offer a clear view of some important themes – power and anxiety are the ones most figural for me at the moment. After all if we can become aware of these themes in ourselves and others, and know how to ‘manage’ their emergence in ourselves and others we may have life fairly well sussed!  It’s the stuff of personal and organisational change. Sadly the level of anxiety in our society is reaching intolerable levels and the need to address the ensuing mental health in our communities is becoming urgent.

We seemed to leave in a place of deeper appreciation of ourselves and just as importantly, a renewed appreciation of each other.

On a brighter note…. it seemed to me that each of us left with a deeper understanding of some key character traits that sit within us. The competitiveness and conscientiousness of the warrior; the wonderful relational presence and quiet power of the guardian; the charm and influence of the superhero; the beauty of the poet and the strategic power of the wizard are accessible to all of us but are gifts to those archetypes.  We seemed to leave in a place of deeper appreciation of ourselves and just as importantly, a renewed appreciation of each other.

We had some good conversations about transition and purpose / calling which was timely for most of us. Sandy’s ‘calling’ is about ‘helping the good guys get to the top’. The invitation is compelling. We could all do with being at the top of our game! Or is that me being competitive again?!


So how was it for the group? Well, we had eight people in our workshop – all with their own contexts of course. One of our team was on the brink of a distinctly new adventure – it seemed to really validate her recent personal decision and was seriously encouraging. I loved that Sandy named the archetype of her ‘inner Queen’ coming out! Another participant provided an impressive example of the enviable ‘Wizard’ integrity. Coming at a time of important reflection for his business he found it impressively insightful.  Most of our participants said they were fascinated by the insights they gained into their family dynamics – importantly the model has a particularly timely message for anyone parenting young children. For me I can honestly say that the most important application of Centaur has been in helping me in being the best mother I can be. Talking of motherhood I had the pleasure of my son being part of the workshop. It was great to share what has become almost a philosophy for me – I refer to Centaur and Sandy’s teaching as being significant in shaping my adult life.

So.. hey this was good! It surpassed my expectations – not of Sandy – I knew she would be utterly brilliant – but of the space and how much people loved it. We must do more! Next time more fiddling, more outdoors. That’s what Brian always wants! A bit of a hill, (no – a lot of a hill) some music, good conversation and a way of continuing important work.