2005 – 2018... 13 Years On. A Personal Indulgence

How much has changed, or perhaps “morphed” might be more appropriate. From “business and people development” 13 years ago to “transforming thinking and behavior……at work and beyond”, now and as we look forward.

The journey has been rich, from working with leaders and teams to build skills and develop strategy, to supporting procurement and project teams in complex commercial relationships. Intense one-to-one coaching and facilitating groups in the exploration of their own purpose and dynamics have also been a significant part of the mix.  

The geographical journeys have also been many and varied, from the plains of Peoria, Illinois, USA to Magadan, the gold mining town in the far east of Russia. Stockholm in the north and Johannesburg in the south, and many points in between of course.

Along the way, our learning has been challenging and joyous in personal and professional development. Inevitably, the truly figural insights have developed through those conversations where real connection happens, in moments of shared vulnerability, client and consultant working as one in true partnership united in the shared intensity of learning.

As with many leaders, managers and indeed, fellow humans, our own transition and continuing quest is forged in the crucible of complexity and pace and so the future, indeed our future, beckons enticingly.

Our mission remains constant but, as with the rocks in a fast flowing stream, subtly though no less profoundly shaped by the personal values and professional practices we have come to hold most dearly to our hearts. Our real excitement and sense of ongoing contribution lies in the “undiscovered country” of individual and collective emergent futures.

As Shakespeare’s Hamlet muses, in the undiscovered country of the future, survival is always optional but the exploration of the experience of what entices us forward and how we learn, grow and sustain ourselves along the way is perhaps as important now as it has ever been in humanities evolution. We feel strongly that in an increasingly alienated world, true learning and growth is gained through the exploration of our sense of place and contribution to work, family, friends, stakeholders and community. We hold as our truth that such is the value and priority of this learning, for us all, it has to be worth investment and warrant some focused, quality time for reflection, consideration, planning and re-energizing.

So we go forward with the same sense of mission, with our energy channeled in supporting individuals and groups in change and transition, at work and beyond.

We’ll work with you face-to-face and via technology and we’ll be enticing you to our own venue, The Mill, in the beauty of the northern fells of the Lake District.

In connection with this, we bring this celebratory item for us to a close by drawing on the wisdom of Yuval Noah Harari;

“The most important skill of all for humans in the 21st Century will be the ability to re-invent ourselves. We need to invest the most in emotional intelligence and mental balance in order to keep up with rapid change without losing our minds.”

The undiscovered country tantalizingly lies ahead. The True North story continues.