vertical leARNING - the advanced curriculum

We design and deliver bespoke
development experiences.

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We collaborate with organisations on interventions to be a catalyst for change, transition and resilience.

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We work with individuals to facilitate tangible shifts in behaviour and contribution.

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Vertical Learning - the advanced curriculum

True North takes a unique approach to learning; combining the work of key theorists and practitioners to form a powerful methodology.  

The True North approach does develop skills but we go further. We focus on enabling people to uncover their vocation or sense of mission and support them on their ongoing journey of learning transition, change and evolution. We do this using the following approaches:

  • The Harthill Leadership Development Framework to explore individual strengths and development areas in leadership maturity and leadership capacity to deal with complexity.

  • Sandy Cotter's Centaur Leadership Model to provide deep insight into the political domain of leadership and how to influence others.

  • Action Learning to build resilience and to foster a desire for Nick Petrie's Heat Experience, i.e. the undertaking of leadership assignments at the personal edge.

  • Robert Kegan's Immunity to Change process to uncover personal and organisational practices to embed successful change.

  • William Bridges' Leading Transitions framework.

  • Bob Anderson’s Leadership Circle, and the Baron-EQi-2 to provide 360 data.

  • Use of the outdoors, drawing upon the power of nature in providing insights and wisdom. "Virtually all spiritual traditions, indigenous or native cultures have regarded nature as the ultimate teacher. At few points in history has the need to re-discover this teacher been greater.” —Peter Senge et al.


While we develop people to thrive in complexity, bring about change and lead transitions, organisational culture is a critical component in which effective and sustainable contribution takes place.

"Context is everything."
—David Rooke: 'Personal and Organisational Transformations'

Organisational consulting means intervening in what is likely to be a complex situation. Such interventions include data gathering, senior team feedback, and specific team coaching. We are always pleased to work with internally generated data such as 360 feedback or results from employee engagement surveys.

We use the following guidelines to shape and inform our interventions:

  • Relationship building with key stakeholders through sharing observations and perceptions.

  • Sustaining the client’s energy on outcomes along with key themes and strategic imperatives.

  • Bringing explicit focus on the process and the relationships as they emerge to ensure transferable learning.

  • Facilitating effective completion and closure.


The True North approach to coaching is consistent with the vertical learning principles underpinning our vertical learning programmes and consulting practices.

We value the task/skills-based approach of using the GROW coaching structure (J. Whitmore: Goal, Reality, Options, Will) and use this in some of our client work.  Our purpose in developing capacity however, goes beyond skills acquisition, requiring a more in-depth coaching approach which draws on the principles of Gestalt and Action Inquiry, amongst others.  For example;

  • Supporting individuals in establishing how they are currently working with regard to style, approach and decision making.

  • Clarifying and making explicit how this is serving the leader and their organisation well.

  • Uncovering patterns which are inhibiting progress or effectiveness.

  • Clarifying positive habits and pragmatic practices for moving forward.

We design bespoke coaching programmes for individuals (usually four to six sessions),  and often include coaching as part of our offering of wider vertical learning experiences.

“An eye opening experience into myself and the world of leadership. Brilliant programme, would love to do more with Brian”

—Sherwin Williams, Senior Manager