Come and visit us at The Mill in North Cumbria, and experience what we do.


Become more skilled, more effective and more fulfilled – at work and beyond.

Harvard’s developmental psychologist Robert Kegan refers to vertical development as the ‘advanced curriculum’ that adults need to master in order to thrive in our fast-paced inter connected world.  So, just as we had some growing up to do in adolescence it seems we have some growing up to do in adulthood too. It’s not just one stage as we may wrongly assume – adulthood involves a series of transformations which increase our complexity, our capacity and our worldview.

Whether you are aware of it or not, your development stage determines the context of your life – what you dream of, how you are motivated, what you see and feel, what you can achieve. Your ‘stage’ sets limits on how you communicate with others and it powerfully shapes how you perceive your world. Vertical development examines how you come to know yourself, how you cultivate and function in relationship as well as how you contribute personally and professionally in giving back to the world.

At True North we work with you to explore how you can accelerate your own growth and how you can generate powerful change in yourself, your life and in your communities. Embarking on a ‘vertical developmental’ path is likely to fundamentally change you and what you are capable of.



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Get a sense of how we combine learning, leadership and self-development philosophies to develop the whole self so that we help you become more skilled, more effective and more fulfilled – at work and beyond.