Our Retreats will help you explore how you can accelerate your growth and generate powerful change in yourself, your life and in your communities.



Gain clear insight into your personal strengths - and how you might build on them to heighten your personal impact and perspective. You will also examine how you contribute personally and professionally in giving back to the world.


Identify the practices essential to extend your own developmental capacity to help you think and behave in more sophisticated ways. 


Learn how to build your resilience to cope with the demands of living and influencing in our fast paced interconnected world.


Our retreats are based on the strong belief that to understand, cope and skilfully respond to life’s complex demands, a qualitative leap forward in our thinking seems to be a growing necessity for our survival. Our time together is rooted in the new science of ‘vertical learning’ and you can expect to gain new perspectives about your capability and potential. We are dedicated to profoundly influencing your development. we work in small groups of up to eight but our focus is mainly on the individual. Our environment is relaxed, positive, open and confidential. Our expertise we believe, enables us to work at a level that transcends knowledge to nurture the person as a whole.

During our two days we introduce to you some of the theory and also a number of tools and practices based on the latest research - such as Harthill’s Leadership Development Framework and Robert Kegan’s Immunity to Change map. The format is conversational in style and we pay great attention to the quality of our dialogue and connection.

An important element in vertical learning is to draw on the power of nature and your sense of connectedness to the world to provide a fundamental reference point for your own reflection and growth. Our retreat therefore includes the use of outdoor space to encourage new insights and perspectives.

Quietly challenging and encouraging in equal measure working with Brigid for me is transformative. As a coach and as a group leader her presence is the gift of a lifetime
— Jane Hanna, CEO Sudep Action


We use our venue in The Lake District for our retreats – a Victorian Sawmill on the banks of the river Caldew, just outside the historic village of Hesket Newmarket. 

The Mill River.png

“The calmness begins with the ease of the journey. An air of space, heritage, hard work and depth gained through a rich history.”

– Sarah Boulton, Managing Partner, Realise Europe Limited


Our retreat schedule for 2020-21 is under review.

To find out more about our plans, get in touch with us using the form below.