
The Inner Archetype

It was in June 2018 – and I want to share some personal reflections.

We had invited Sandy to run her infamous ‘SOAL’ programme to mark our first event at The Mill.  Sources of Authentic Leadership (SOAL) provided a comprehensive introduction to Sandy’s Leadership Model, Centaur. However, it was an unexpected delight to do some work on emerging archetypes.

It had been with some trepidation but mostly excitement that we invited Sandy to The Mill for our inaugural event. Having worked with Sandy for over 30 years I was pretty confident that she couldn’t fail to energise and inspire our group because that is what she does!


In its youth ‘Centaur’ was definitely on the whacky end of leadership development practice. The whole area of reading the body to gain an insight into somebody’s psychology was the stuff of Cosmopolitan rather than a serious academic based approach. However Sandy’s work is grounded in a vast body of research and is now further validated through relatively recent developments from neuro science.  Centaur is now firmly on the map as providing a useful framework for our personal development as leaders. However it’s Sandy’s application of the model in providing insight into managing politics where I think it has a particularly important message for anyone working in teams and organisations (Ha - that’s all of us).

The heart of the model seems to offer a clear view of some important themes – power and anxiety are the ones most figural for me at the moment. After all if we can become aware of these themes in ourselves and others, and know how to ‘manage’ their emergence in ourselves and others we may have life fairly well sussed!  It’s the stuff of personal and organisational change. Sadly the level of anxiety in our society is reaching intolerable levels and the need to address the ensuing mental health in our communities is becoming urgent.

We seemed to leave in a place of deeper appreciation of ourselves and just as importantly, a renewed appreciation of each other.

On a brighter note…. it seemed to me that each of us left with a deeper understanding of some key character traits that sit within us. The competitiveness and conscientiousness of the warrior; the wonderful relational presence and quiet power of the guardian; the charm and influence of the superhero; the beauty of the poet and the strategic power of the wizard are accessible to all of us but are gifts to those archetypes.  We seemed to leave in a place of deeper appreciation of ourselves and just as importantly, a renewed appreciation of each other.

We had some good conversations about transition and purpose / calling which was timely for most of us. Sandy’s ‘calling’ is about ‘helping the good guys get to the top’. The invitation is compelling. We could all do with being at the top of our game! Or is that me being competitive again?!


So how was it for the group? Well, we had eight people in our workshop – all with their own contexts of course. One of our team was on the brink of a distinctly new adventure – it seemed to really validate her recent personal decision and was seriously encouraging. I loved that Sandy named the archetype of her ‘inner Queen’ coming out! Another participant provided an impressive example of the enviable ‘Wizard’ integrity. Coming at a time of important reflection for his business he found it impressively insightful.  Most of our participants said they were fascinated by the insights they gained into their family dynamics – importantly the model has a particularly timely message for anyone parenting young children. For me I can honestly say that the most important application of Centaur has been in helping me in being the best mother I can be. Talking of motherhood I had the pleasure of my son being part of the workshop. It was great to share what has become almost a philosophy for me – I refer to Centaur and Sandy’s teaching as being significant in shaping my adult life.

So.. hey this was good! It surpassed my expectations – not of Sandy – I knew she would be utterly brilliant – but of the space and how much people loved it. We must do more! Next time more fiddling, more outdoors. That’s what Brian always wants! A bit of a hill, (no – a lot of a hill) some music, good conversation and a way of continuing important work.

Leadership and Character in Vertical Learning

This Grist to the Mill contribution is intended to be somewhat controversial and I’m sure will challenge individual views and values of the 21st Century mind-set. For this, I make no apologies and seek merely to be an agent provocateur in the growing maelstrom of the vertical learning debate.

My contention is that the language and frameworks for describing vertical learning and its place in leadership development is rooted in learning theory and philosophy dating back thousands of years in many different cultures and spiritual traditions. The language of “character development” featured in such texts and in the early part of my career working on personal development programmes with police officers, the term character development was used with freedom. What else would you call personal development in the context of organisational development?

Current cultural and political mores do of course shape our attitudes towards such matters. This begs the question to what extent do our current views on learning and leadership development reflect “mere politics, fashion or political correctness” rather than a true exploration of the innate capacity of humanity to learn, grow and develop in the service of organisation, community and self?

The received wisdom is that there are many and varied leadership styles and philosophies, from situational leadership to transformational leadership to authentic leadership…..and beyond. Goleman introduces us to the six leadership styles demonstrated by the emotionally intelligent leader in “The New Leaders”.

Revered institutions have come into existence in order to train or develop leaders. Many such institutions such as Sandhurst are now ingrained in the cultural fabric of the UK, the former commonwealth countries and beyond.

I had the fortune to hold a senior role at Brathay for several years, founded on the vision of a wealthy benefactor to “build the character of the young apprentices of the cotton mill towns of Lancashire through personal and social development”. (A mission still pursued by this most fabulous organisation with a current focus on the disaffected young people of post-industrial, social media savvy Britain) Brathay ignited much post-war leadership and personal development thinking and methodology, being influential in the spawning of John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership and Meredith Belbin’s team roles.

So whether it’s Sandhurst, Brathay, the traditional public schools, or the ancient spiritual traditions, character development seems germane to leadership development, despite that such a label seems entirely unfashionable today carrying heavy connotations of the playing fields of Eton.

What has this got to do with vertical learning?

Each vertical learning guru is working to put their spin on the idea to create for themselves their own USP in a crowded market. So rather than add another take on it, I refer to what is already out there as “received wisdom”

Vertical learning is:

  • A means by which the individual moves away from ego to appreciate other, bigger, less constrained ways of thinking and perspectives through self-awareness.
  • A process by which we become more aware of and responsive to the practical and emotional needs of others.
  • How we come to be more able to put others needs first in the spirit of “Leaders Eat Last” (Sinek)
  • Learning that enables us to pay attention to our own sustainability and resilience under pressure while still having an eye out for the needs and care of others.
  • Learning to build emotional intelligence to enable us to connect with ourselves and others in more meaningful, productive ways.
  • Becoming more skilful and purposeful in co-creation and collaboration, more ably equipping us to work with and resolve the complex problems of today and into the future.
  • Having the personal space and capacity to be a part of, rather than apart from the macro and micro environment that sustains us as an individual and a species.

In thinking about vertical learning, leadership development and character development, the ancient sages again offer the perspective of the long view:

“Those who understand others are intelligent.
Those who understand themselves are enlightened.
Those who overcome others have strength.
Those who overcome themselves are powerful.
Those who know contentment are wealthy.
Those who proceed vigorously have will power.
Those who do not lose their base endure.”
—Lao Tzu (Trans. Derek Lin)

So I return to my contention; that vertical learning is what, in an earlier epoch of personal and leadership development, would without embarrassment or being subject to pointing fingers of derision, be shamelessly referred to as character development.

Beyond politics, fashion and political correctness, what’s wrong with that?

Brian Woodall

True North Partnership

Leadership in Principle

Leadership has been a source of enquiry and writing since 2,500 BC. Lao Tzu was defining the “personal essence of good leadership” around 500BC therefore it’s somewhat ambitious, if not downright presumptuous to think we might uncover the ultimate truth here.

But we can all share in the grist that is offered and learn through the process of “communal milling” in search of the essence of what is ultimately the very personal journey of leadership learning in increasingly uncertain times...both at work and beyond!

The leadership debate rages on but one thing seems to be generally accepted, central to leadership is the essence or character of the individual.

The True North approach does develop skills but we go further. We focus on enabling leaders to uncover their vocation or sense of mission and support them in their ongoing journey of learning transition, change and evolution, at work and beyond.

As social animals we have lived in communities and traded goods and services with each other since the beginning of our species. In this highly complex, inter-dependent world it seems entirely rational that we should be at the top of our learning game to be as effective in doing this as possible.

We contend therefore that Leadership has at its core the intentional act of enabling others learning in the effective pursuit of a shared endeavour.

Organisational development has at its core the intentional process of enabling groups, team’s organisations and communities to be effective in fostering learning, creating shared capability and going beyond.

Contributing to and leading collective human endeavour is a skills set that can be learnt.

Learning is also a process.  Our individual antecedent’s serve us well in helping us learn and make sense of our experience in ways that enable us to function. Equally they get in the way. We often hang on to the past even though in times of rapid change, what was once acknowledged wisdom becomes a ball and chain to progress and adaptation.

We contend that transition is a component of change.  In enabling learning, leaders need to understand the factors involved in personal and organisational transition and be skilful in working with them.

In leading transition, leaders need to be aware of and constructively work with their own and others immunity to change

Awareness is simply a process of fully experiencing our experience and not becoming buried in day-to-day activity.  Although what seems so simple is far from it as the sages form all traditions testify.

…and so we go beyond

At True North we hold the wisdom of the sages such as Lao Tzu sincerely but lightly and work with the essence of leadership being the character of the individual. Therefore we have to go beyond work.

We contend that significant learning goes beyond the accumulation of facts and skills. As we as we experience the world today, facts and skills are vitally important but are an increasingly transitory commodity.

The core conditions for significant learning include awareness through reflection and self-discovery with a thirst for collaborative enquiry.

We are all in transition, at home, at work and with ourselves.  Often our biggest challenges but most profound significant learning happens through the process of transition.

We contend that fully experiencing experience is the key to unlocking our personal potential and the potential of collective human endeavour.

How we feel and what motivates us and those with whom we work is every bit as important in our personal leadership learning journey as our rational, problem solving and strategic brains

All significant learning involves a degree of letting go of ego and supported, managed risk taking.

The mission of True North is to contribute as fully as possible to ensuring our clients have the necessary personal capacity and resilience to accept the learning with which life presents us...at work and beyond.

Brian Woodall, True North Partnership, September 2017